Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Bride's Complaint about Distant Cousin

Just the other day, we were contacted by a newlywed bride with a bone to pick. She had been involved in planning her wedding for months, and naturally the last few days before it was to take place were especially hectic--so much so that one of her closest friends traveled to stay with her for those days, the better to assist with the many preparations.

Both young women are high energy people, but the bride complained to us that her friend was tiring early, and not as productive as she had expected. Two nights before the wedding she was at home brushing her teeth before bed when she saw her friend sneaking from the guest bedroom to the living room and back. A little investigation revealed that her friend had happened upon a copy of Distant Cousin and begun reading it before she went to sleep. She finished it late one night and could not help herself: she tip-toed to the living room to exchange the book for Distant Cousin: Repatriation, volume 2, thus explaining her less-than-bustling work habits during the day. She was tired!

We are torn between the notion of inserting a disclaimer at the beginning of each volume and the idea of insisting upon personal responsibility, one of the prime principles which lead to success in life, after all. For the moment, however, we will merely extend our most humble apologies, and very best wishes, to the new bride and groom!

Other unusual comments:

1 comment:

Floyd M. Orr said...

All I can say is, "I knew Al back when nobody had ever heard of him, now everyone wants to read Distant Cousin!"
