Sunday, May 2, 2010

People who REALLY enjoy Distant Cousin: a Moving Story

It's always rewarding to hear from people who enjoy the Distant Cousin series. Some have REALLY enjoyed it. For example, there is the amazing case of the man who found an insight into the meaning of his life in Distant Cousin: Repatriation. There was a young woman who found rereading the books when she was ailing helped her to feel better. And now there is the tale of the husband and wife whose imaginative reading of the series has markedly improved their quality of life together. It's a truly moving story!

They live in mountainous country. They have a long, daily commute to work--and there's nothing good on the radio. They began with Distant Cousin, volume 1. Here's a sampling of his comments over the last several weeks.

1. So...[she] read the first 5 chapters to me in exchange for me driving her home this afternoon! She delivered with the entire appropriate vernacular, including the rubbing the eyes and all the hand waving.

Truly one of the most enjoyable rush-hour commutes ever!

2. Doing your book the way are, we only get about 30 minutes a day of reading out loud, so on a good session we might get through fifteen pages. We've completed nine that's an average of 13 pages per session. We have agreed to finish the book this way, therefore, we should finish up 21 sessions (four weeks) from now. We always try to end each session at the conclusion of a chapter. That's easy due to the chapter is truly fun. We love the humor. The lingo is believable.

3. I am a big fan of Darcy’s. She exemplifies the best in us.
She is kinda-sorta a Bajan on the hero’s journey and she is truly out of this world. Somehow you were able to articulate that aspect of the human experience in such a way that even us knuckle draggers can identify with her.
Could be why so many people, who are looking for the meaning of life, find your book so comforting.

4. We are on Chapter 16 and I have not looked ahead. We are all enjoying the ride home. You are a very clever guy and DC is enjoyably unpredictable, so there!"

5. We are having a fun time with the "ride home reading thing." Thanks for making all this possible! We both really like DC! I am serious about DC helping me navigate rush hour traffic. It is like music and I don't know why. Maybe it's in the composition. We like a Picasso and don't know why. So there you have it, Al Past = Picasso.

The couple's reports are sporadic, but there will be updates on their progress as available!

More comments: "You SUCK!" (A Hoot!)

Reader Cries in Subway


Dianne K. Salerni said...

Al Past, the Picasso of Fiction.
Sounds like a good tagline for you! You need to get that quote up at the top of your website!

Shirley Bahlmann said...

That reminds me of when my husband used to read to me. It was wonderful, and I think Ana Darcy is definitely worth reading about! What a great subject to spend a commute on!
Keep it going, Al!